Monday, July 11, 2011

Someone waiting...

I know that no one follows me, and I'm not writing this for anyone but myself.

I've just experienced something I've never gone through before.  Not close enough that it hurt so much.  My daughter was about 6 weeks pregnant, and she lost her precious baby.  Through the years I've heard people say things like "It was just not meant to be," or "It was for the best."  I'll never say those words to someone going through this.

Someone is waiting for me in Heaven.  Maybe it's my first granddaughter...I'll find out some day.  She has a sweet great-grandmother there with her.  Through these tears I shed, I do have a wonderful peace in my heart that someday we'll meet each other.  I love you, sweet baby!


  1. I know Grandmother is taking good care of that baby. Giving lots of head sugars, I'm sure! I love you, Mom.

  2. I think you're right! I love you, too, Monica.
